The Evolutionist's Creation Story, Inspired by Naturalism

By Abraham Smith

Dear brethren,

There is a lot of discussion going on about something called "Intelligent Design." Humanistic minded individuals are continually working hard to keep the public and our students misinformed about the evidence that living things are the product of intelligent design. The alternative to "Intelligent Design" is evolution. Many people feel that evolution is on such good footing that there is no need to hear anything about "Intelligent Design." The following article of mine was written to dispel that false idea. After you read my article, please consider the sources that follow it, particularly Behe's book. And if you think others can profit from it, feel free to share it with others

Abraham Smith

Naturalism: A theory denying that an event or object has a supernatural significance.

Once upon a time billions of years ago, everything that has ever been came from a little ball called the cosmic egg. At that time it was heated to tril­lions of degrees. It was so hot that not even elements could exist. No one knows where it came from. No one knows how long it sat around. For some strange reason it exploded and began to expand. No one knows why.

In that explosion, only two things were created, hydrogen and helium. There was no carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, nickel, iron or uranium. These gases expanded equally and evenly throughout space in all directions. The universe was mainly just hydrogen. Somehow from these molecules racing out evenly at enormous speed stars created themselves. Then galaxies created themselves. Our solar system created itself. Life evolved on this planet. And that first speck of microorganistic life evolved all the way into people. No God is to be included in explaining this universe according to this story, because every­thing can be explained without him.

We have 30 trillion cells in our bodies of more than 200 kinds. Included in that number is 12 billion brain cells. Since each brain cell is connected to 10,000 other brain cells, we have about 120 tril­lion connections in the human brain. Regardless of our imperfections, our brains can interpret and process the amount of information from our eyes in a 10th of a second, where a Cray Supercomputer would require 100 years to do the same.

According to this evolution creation story we have gone from hydrogen gas to people. We may thus conclude that the definition of hydrogen gas is an odorless, tasteless and invisible gas that if given enough time will become people.

Living cells are composed of many interdependent parts. Not one molecule in existence can replicate itself apart from a living cell. Then how did the first living cell come into existence? As the story goes, there was a massive buildup of organic molecules.

No one knows how this happened. If the early atmosphere had free oxygen, the oxygen would have destroyed the organic molecules. If the early atmosphere had no free oxygen, then there would have been no ozone layer and the molecules would have been destroyed by radiation. But as long as our faith in this creation story is strong enough, this unsurpassable difficulty will not matter.

Scientists who believe in evolution say that the rocks that allegedly predate life are totally absent of any of the mas­sive amounts of organic products necessary for life to begin. Some of that material would have certainly been trapped in those rocks if in fact the organic products ever existed. But faith in evolution will solve that problem too!

Since no cell could exist without proteins, which are assembled from amino acids, and since no molecule apart from a living cell can replicate itself, we should calculate the probability that one such protein could create itself by chance. Ribonuclease is a digestive enzyme and is also one of the smallest proteins with only 124 amino acid links. The probability of this enzyme coming into existence by chance is one in a number that starts with two and is fol­lowed by 161 zeroes. If one trillion such amino acid chains were formed every second, the number of years needed for just the right one to happen once be­gins with 1 and is followed by 141 zeroes: zillions times zillions the alleged age of the universe itself! If you have strong faith in the evolution creation story, you will accept that it must have happened somehow.

If one such protein formed by chance, we need at least 2,000 others to have a working cell. All of these proteins would have to form at the same place and time, and they would have to form in­side the safe haven of the immensely complicated cell membrane. No one knows how this could happen.

Evolutionary scientists tell us that they have found microscopic fossils em­bedded in rocks predating all other forms of life. Then, all of a sudden, nearly every major group of organisms appeared. This is the famed Cambrian explosion. Where did these animals come from? Our evolution story says that they evolved from animals that existed before them. But the problem is that there are absolutely no fossils pre­dating these animals from which they could have evolved. If microscopic organisms can leave fossils, surely any animal could have as well.

Evolution scientists tell us 100 million years transpired between these inverte­brates of Cambrian time and the arrival of fishes. 100 million years of evolution and no one has the slightest idea of what invertebrate was ancestral to these fishes. Suddenly they appeared in the fossil record without a trace of what they could have evolved from. But if your faith is strong enough in evo­lution, this will be no problem for you.

There are other unbridgeable gaps the rest of the way through the fossil record ­ from amoeba to man. But never mind, just use your imagination. So much for the creation story of evolution.

There is no credible evidence that supports the evolutionary creation story. Creationists have always acknowledged that there have been small changes like those in fruit flies or those because of diet. We acknowledge that God in creating basic kinds has allowed for changes within those basic types. Evo­lutionists without justification have as­sumed that evidence of these small changes necessarily implies evidence that a microbe could change into you.

We agree with Phillip Johnson when he said, "We can point to a mystery and call it 'evolution,' but this is only a label. The important question is not whether scientists have agreed on a label, but how much they know about how com­plex living beings like ourselves came into existence," ("Darwin on Trial").

Often, objections to the theory of evo­lution are dismissed as nothing but the echoes of religion. But as we can see from this story, there are substantive scientific issues at stake. If as Richard Dawkins has said, "Darwin made it pos­sible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist," then the evolutionists are hardly in any position to look down their collective noses at a large majority of people who don't buy their version of creation. &

Recommended reading: "Darwin on Trial" by Phillip Johnson, "Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No" and "Creation Scientists Answer Their Critics" by Duane Gish, "Bones of Contention" (2004 version) by Marvin L. Lubenow, "Darwin's Black Box" by Michael J. Behe, "Evolution: a Theory in Crisis" by Michael Denton. Many of these are available in public or university libraries.


By Bob Myhan

Most time periods can be explained astronomically. The earth rotates on its axis once approximately every 24 hours. This period is universally consid­ered a day. The earth revolves around the sun once every 365¼ days. Thus, three out of every four years contains 365 days while every fourth year contains 366, the extra day being added to February. The moon goes through its phases once approximately every 30 days, giv­ing us the lunar month. Thus, the day, the year and the month are natural oc­currences. But there is no astronomical basis for the length of the week. Yet the seven-day week is universal. Why?

“For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Ex. 20:11).

If one is not prepared to accept the Bible as the divinely inspired book it claims to be, he might explain why every culture—whether the Bible has been accepted therein or not—has a seven-day week. Thus, the universal seven-day week is confirmation that, “in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day,” as detailed in the first two chapters of Genesis. &